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- Create Date March 11, 2019
- Last Updated September 14, 2020
The first and second objectives of SpeakNGI.eu are dealt primarily within the project’s Work Package, 2, Consultation Platform. The first deliverable of WP2, entitled Deliverable D2.1, Consultation Platform, Knowledge Base and Digital Processes, is an on-line software platform, available at https://consultation.ngi.eu/ since November 6th, 2017.
The purpose of the present document is to accompany the aforementioned on-line platform with a brief description of its current status and the related roadmap for future iterations of development, as well as a description of the processes involved in operating the platform itself.
The NGI consultation platform described herein has been fast-tracked well ahead of the initial completion date and was successfully launched to the NGI communities during the ICT Proposers Day in Budapest, Hungary, held on 9-10th November 2017. This enabled the collection of information already, earlier than anticipated, in order to start focussing on the identification of initial sub-topics to be addressed within the already selected topics of WP 2018, including Privacy and Trust Enhancing Technologies, Decentralised Data Governance and Discovery and Identification.
In order to adequately manage and value the entries of the end-users, the NGI consultation platform has been designed with relevant “discussion channels” for each of the pre-selected topics, in order for the NGI communities to build the necessary components into the envisaged smaller projects’ sub-topic definitions needed to organically grow each of the individual NGI topics into fruition, to enable comprehensive and high-quality proposals for the WP-2018 call in April 2018. Similarly, a discussion channel has been established for early identification of WP- 2019 and Beyond H2020 topics, in order for the NGI communities themselves to organically suggest and build upon the necessary topics and sub-topics that will be selected for the next rounds of the Work programmes in relation to the Next Generation Internet initiative.